Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What a Day!!

Beautiful, beautiful weather today!
It's good to be alive (the alternative isn't much chop!).
The Ararat Rose Garden (beside the Performing Arts Centre).
I love roses!
They are so happy!
And roses love growing in Ararat - we have the perfect climate for them.

5 March, 2008


  1. I particularly like this rose image. It definitely says rose, but gives a feel for the whole bush. Nice angle and the prominence of the foreground focus makes this photo, IMHO. A fun observation about my photo today and that of Bogor Dail Photo. thanks for the heads up.

  2. Now this is a captivating shot. Color, color, color!

  3. i love the angle, and your sky is so blue :)
    here, it's rarely to have blue sky like that.

  4. Most beautiful picture, what I can imagine here in the middle of snow !
    Thank you for this summer warm and colours!

  5. CHUCK - I'm hopelessly ignorant - I had to look up IMHO (I do know WYSIWYG, though!). You know there was another similar photo, of a dragon kite, against a blue sky - it's weird - I often see patterns when I look at the DP portal.

    PETREA - and the sky gets bluer in winter!

    ALAYA - why is it your sky is not blue? Is it because of all the rain clouds?

    LEENA - I'm sending you some summer sun with all my might - can you feel it?

    SONIA - thanks. I just had to point and shoot - Mother Nature did all the work!

  6. Great angle! I can see you there, under the rose bush. :-)))

  7. MERISI - you know what? - I'm terribly lazy - I just hold the camera down there!


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