Thursday, May 1, 2008

Theme Day - Numbers

Do people do this in other countries?
Rather than traveling down miles and miles of country roads, the post office delivers to groups of mailboxes at allocated points.
They have an mailbox number beginning with RMB... (Roadside Mailbox).

See all 181 City Daily Photo bloggers, Theme Day photos.

Denicull Creek Rd - 6km from Ararat GPO - April, 2008.


  1. don't give our royal mail ideas - one of these days they'll decide doorstep deliviries can no lomnger be done - hope it never comes

  2. Yes, here we have the same with rural routes.

  3. Yes, they do this in the U.S. too. When there is a development sometimes they will put all the boxes together with a key. On rural roads like this.

  4. P.S. I also wanted to say, I love the photo too.

  5. Spectacular photo, Digger. You've captured the context beautifully. I can smell the gum trees and feel the earth.

  6. Amazing photo. Truly beautiful - wonderful composition. Such a good choice for today's theme.

    Yes we have mailboxes. I have one - have to walk up the track to get my mail - quite a haul.

  7. It is RSD here in Tasmania (roadside delivery). Really nice shot.

  8. Yes we have this - except they are outside our front door. I guess "outside your front door" has a totally different meaning where you are... Don't the wombats, possums, kangaroos and other assorted critters mess with your mail? I like the beer barrel

  9. These mail boxes are seen in the rural areas.
    A lot of residential areas outside of Toronto have what are called 'super mailboxes'. I'll post a picture one day.

  10. Hi Letitia! Not in Portugal; too small for such an agglomeration... ;)).
    I'm exploring a new country at Blogtrotter. Hope you enjoy!
    Have a great weekend!

  11. HYDE DP - I ordered something from the USA on Saturday last and it arrived on my doorstep, Thursday morning!
    I just think that is incredible - from door to door - thousands and thousands of kilometres in just days.
    Who invented mail?
    It's "marv-u-lous"!

  12. TANYA - it's not so bad here but in some parts of outback Australia, you have to drive literally days before you come upon a post office.

  13. lv2scpbk - thanks - I quite like this photo too - I'm not sure why.
    I don't know if our RMB's have keys sitting with them - I'll have to have a sneak and investigate.

  14. SALLY - we have some BEAUTIFUL gum trees around here - old gnarly river red gums, hundreds of years old.
    One of my favourite things about a road trip in Australia is watching the "design" of gum trees change over the miles.

  15. KRIS - Tasmanians!
    Always feeling the need to exert their individuality.

  16. JILLY - thanks - it was really hard finding numbers in this environment - there aren't really many around - just lots of gum trees and fence posts!

  17. RICHARD - oh yes - I've heard about you fancy Swiss and your ostentatious
    "outside the front door" mailboxes.
    We can't all be living the high life, you know?
    And.... surely you jest...a teeny thing like that, a beer barrel? We have real man-sized beer barrels down here - that's just a schooner!

  18. KEN - I'd LOVE to see a super mailbox! What images that brings to mind.

  19. GMG - I had to look up agglomeration in the dictionary (and English is my first language!)

  20. Nice photo, Letitia.

    No mailbox like yours in my region. We must to pick up the mail in the city near us.

  21. Oh, I like this one. Great shot. Sure, we have these groups of mailboxes in the rural areas. Like where I grew up.

  22. You could maybe do a blog on the "different" mail boxes we see by the sides of our country roads - like old fridges, pushbikes, etc. Amazing imagination!

  23. Aussie mailboxes are fun indeed!
    I made a full poster out of photos taken in my neighbourhood when I lived there...

    Your photo is SO Aussie it makes me homesick. Great post.

  24. We don't do this here. In fact most people here in Jamaica don't even have mailboxes because, in most communities the post office doesn't deliver.

    We go to the post office to collect our mail.

  25. Wonderful picture. The charm of it. You live in a beautiful area.


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